動態消息來源: Google 新聞 https://news.google.com/news/search/section/q/Google gift card/Google gift card?hl=zh-TW&gl=TW&ned=tw
◎ Target 'Black Friday' 2018 Ad Preview: Expected Apple, Google, Samsung Deals 2018-10-09 相關報導: - Target 'Black Friday' 2018 Ad Preview: Expected Apple, Google, Samsung Deals Forbes 【 https://www.forbes.com/sites/gordonkelly/2018/10/08/target-black-friday-2018-ad-preview-expected-apple-iphone-google-home-mini-samsung-gakaxy-s9-note9-xbox-ps4-deals/ 】 ◎ South Elgin seniors scammed into paying for 'computer repairs' with gift cards; one loses $30000 2018-10-03 相關報導: - South Elgin seniors scammed into paying for 'computer repairs' with gift cards; one loses $30000 Chicago Tribune 【 http://www.chicagotribune.com/suburbs/elgin-courier-news/news/ct-ecn-microsoft-virus-scam-google-cards-st-1003-story.html 】 ◎ Google Pixel 3, Pixel 3XL with front camera launched; price begins at Rs 71000 2018-10-10 相關報導: - Google Pixel 3, Pixel 3XL with front camera launched; price begins at Rs 71000 Economic Times 【 https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/magazines/panache/google-pixel-3-pixel-3xl-with-front-camera-launched-price-begins-at-rs-71000/articleshow/66139275.cms 】 ◎ Latest Litecoin (LTC) News: Amazon Gift Cards and Scheduled Listing in CEX.io 2018-10-08 相關報導: - Latest Litecoin (LTC) News: Amazon Gift Cards and Scheduled Listing in CEX.io TheOofy.com 【 https://theoofy.com/17720/latest-litecoin-ltc-news-amazon-gift-cards-and-scheduled-listing-in-cex-io/ 】 ◎ Google Pay: cos'è, come usarlo in Italia e differenze con Android Pay 2018-10-09 相關報導: - Google Pay: cos'è, come usarlo in Italia e differenze con Android Pay Pagamenti Digitali 【 https://www.pagamentidigitali.it/mobile-app/google-pay-cosa-e-come-usarlo-in-italia/ 】