Swag Code until 6 pm for 2 SB points

動態消息來源: Google 新聞 https://news.google.com/news/search/section/q/Google gift card/Google gift card?hl=zh-TW&gl=TW&ned=tw

◎ Swag Code until 6 pm for 2 SB points  2018-08-24
  - Swag Code until 6 pm for 2 SB points  WRAL.com 【 https://www.wral.com/swag-code-until-6-pm-for-2-sb-points/17790682/ 】
◎ 3 things Google Assistant should steal from Bixby  2018-08-23
  - 3 things Google Assistant should steal from Bixby  Android Central 【 https://www.androidcentral.com/things-google-assistant-should-steal-bixby 】
◎ Man almost scammed when calling customer service line  2018-08-17
  - Man almost scammed when calling customer service line  1011now 【 http://www.1011now.com/content/news/Man-almost-scammed-when-calling-customer-service-line--491111111.html 】
◎ Sussex Police record 47 attempts of 'music voucher fraud' so far this year  2018-08-24
  - Sussex Police record 47 attempts of 'music voucher fraud' so far this year  Crawley News 24 【 http://www.crawleynews24.co.uk/sussex-police-record-47-attempts-of-music-voucher-fraud-so-far-this-year/ 】
◎ Airtel giving away free Amazon Pay Gift Card on its 23rd anniversary – Here is how to get  2018-08-23
  - Airtel giving away free Amazon Pay Gift Card on its 23rd anniversary – Here is how to get  Financial Express 【 https://www.financialexpress.com/industry/technology/airtel-giving-away-free-amazon-pay-gift-card-on-its-23rd-anniversary-here-is-how-to-get/1289472/ 】

