On Computers: Cutting the cable, revisited

動態消息來源: Google 新聞 https://news.google.com/news/search/section/q/Google gift card/Google gift card?hl=zh-TW&gl=TW&ned=tw

◎ On Computers: Cutting the cable, revisited  2018-07-22
  - On Computers: Cutting the cable, revisited  Worcester Telegram 【 http://www.telegram.com/news/20180722/on-computers-cutting-cable-revisited 】
◎ Fraudsters Use Fake Gift Cards to Lure Consumers into Handing Over Personal Data  2018-07-20
  - Fraudsters Use Fake Gift Cards to Lure Consumers into Handing Over Personal Data  East African Business Week 【 http://www.busiweek.com/fraudsters-use-fake-gift-cards/ 】
  - Cyber criminals bait users with fake gift cards  ITWeb 【 https://www.itweb.co.za/content/Gb3BwMWoAPQM2k6V 】
◎ Loblaws mails $25 gift cards to shoppers who refused to send ID for price-fixing compensation  2018-07-20
  - Loblaws mails $25 gift cards to shoppers who refused to send ID for price-fixing compensation  CBC.ca 【 https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/loblaws-25-gift-card-id-privacy-commissioner-1.4753392 】
◎ Google launches quantum framework Cirq, plans Bristlecone cloud move  2018-07-19
  - Google launches quantum framework Cirq, plans Bristlecone cloud move  Computerworld Australia 【 https://www.computerworld.com.au/article/644051/google-launches-quantum-framework-cirq-plans-bristlecone-cloud-move/ 】
◎ Kik Beta App 'Kinit' Goes Live on Google Play after $100 Million ICO  2018-07-18
  - Kik Beta App 'Kinit' Goes Live on Google Play after $100 Million ICO  CCN 【 https://www.ccn.com/kik-beta-app-kinit-goes-live-on-google-play-after-100-million-ico/ 】

