動態消息來源: Google 新聞 https://news.google.com/news/search/section/q/Google gift card/Google gift card?hl=zh-TW&gl=TW&ned=tw
◎ How to Use Google Lens' New Features 2018-06-12 相關報導: - How to Use Google Lens' New Features Lifehacker 【 https://lifehacker.com/how-to-use-google-lens-new-features-1826294255 】 ◎ Netting a Bargain: Supermarket coupons; 20% off New Look, Gap and Google Play gift cards; cheap Ikea breakfast and free tea or coffee 2018-06-09 相關報導: - Netting a Bargain: Supermarket coupons; 20% off New Look, Gap and Google Play gift cards; cheap Ikea breakfast and free tea or coffee The Irish News 【 https://www.irishnews.com/lifestyle/2018/06/09/news/netting-a-bargain-supermarket-coupons-20-off-new-look-gap-and-google-play-gift-cards-cheap-ikea-breakfast-and-free-tea--1347302/ 】 ◎ Will the introduction of biometrics bring about the end of the password? 2018-06-18 相關報導: - Will the introduction of biometrics bring about the end of the password? Techworld Australia 【 https://www.techworld.com.au/article/642575/will-introduction-biometrics-bring-about-end-password/ 】 ◎ ISIS being funded by fanatics around the world 'using iTunes vouchers and Google Play cards' 2018-06-13 相關報導: - ISIS being funded by fanatics around the world 'using iTunes vouchers and Google Play cards' The Sun 【 https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/6512282/isis-funded-itunes-vouchers-google-play-cards/ 】 ◎ 11 Browser Extensions That Can Save You Money Every Time You Shop Online 2018-06-19 相關報導: - 11 Browser Extensions That Can Save You Money Every Time You Shop Online Mental Floss 【 http://mentalfloss.com/article/545364/11-browser-extensions-can-save-you-money-every-time-you-shop-online 】